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Madeline Walton


Life is sweet when we are in D/s. The Mistress knows where to go, what to do, how to get there, and slaves are responsive. Getting to the point of true response is not easy -- it requires strong disciplinary actions and good sense for both parts of the relationship. Although it all seems coherent and easy to get, it is a result of a series of strategies, all compiled in one idea: all mistakes should be punished and all improvements should be rewarded. Since the purpose here is to talk about punishment, I have decided to separate them into topics and make it a walkthrough.


First of all, nobody enjoys being punished. Your slave will certainly hate it. And I truly believe that fear of punishment is never the best strategy to a successful Dominant, once it works only partially. Dear fellow, have in mind that slaves learn quickly how to cheat! Yes, they do. The punishment-oriented strategy only teaches the slave that punishment is to be avoided, but it does not give them the guidance to remain in or to get back to the right path. Altogether with the punishment, it is due to the Dominant to observe some particulars in order to guarantee effective learning, as well as to avoid cheating and the development of bad habits. So, here are some musings that can be useful for the novices.


Punishment should always be clear.

Before getting all worked-up and engaging into spanking, ask yourself about the meaning of spanking in your relationship. If both of you enjoy that kind of play, does using spanking as punishment represent punishment? It should be clear to the slave that the action represents the Dominant's displeasure. So, pick actions that will show him you are completely distraught. Also, the action should communicate your will to teach -- you're the personification of a discipline that he respects and values. And finally, choose something unpleasant: If he is used to having frequent sessions, perhaps suppressing some of them would do the trick.


Slaves should know what they are being punished for.

If ignoring the slave is your chosen tool for punishment, do not simply disappear out of the blue. This could generate misinterpretation and make the slave insecure about the seriousness of the relationship. Big drama no-no. Here is a good baby steps list:


  • Ask him if he knows what he has done wrong.

  • Ask him if he understands why it was wrong.

  • Tell him your views about that and inform him about the punishment.

  • After the punishment, ask him again what he could do to improve.

  • Make sure he understands that you won't tolerate any more of that.



Once the slave has been punished, and all conversations have taken place, let it go. Move on. It is really important that your slave feels like he can improve and that will reflect directly on his servitude.


Punishment means punishment. And you should treat it as punishment.

No laughing, no jokes, no nice Lady. Your posture should communicate your state of mind and avoid mixed impressions. If you don't take it seriously, what makes you think your slave will?


Don't punish your slave because your day was crap.

Have in mind that FEMDOM is an erotic lifestyle. And all the involved individuals are people just like you. Follow me when I say BDSM is mostly based on psychological warfare (be it physical, too - physical practice come along with a lot of psychological content all embedded), where the submissive mind is open to being controlled. Don't ruin your strategy by mixing two different mindsets - work and pleasure. Same applies to everything in life.


Easy to be done? I am not so sure. Overall, BDSM requires a lot of self-knowledge, a lot of willing to learn and a lot of sense. Most people lack the latter, and the reason for this text is, make sure you are not one lacking. You have started all this for a different pleasure was needed in your life, so don't frustrate yourself being fooled by mistakes. Keep your cool, know what you want from all this and take the best out of it. Embrace the Dominant inside you and offer your slave the best discipline. Believe me, he needs it, he likes it, he craves it.



Punishment 101 for true slaves

Correspondence: Total Power Exchange

The following conversation is an actual correspondence with a lovely submissive on FetLife. Being a candidate for servitude, I asked him about a summary on Total Power Exchange. Here I expose our communication - hs text and my answer.


mark (a slave)


Let me praise Your smart choosing of the subject. I understand power exchange as the cornerstone of every D/s relationship and as such offers a framework in which to discuss historical, gender and motivational issues within every relationship, be it BDSM or not. If I were to write an essay for the general public on the subject I would probably like to delve into all those issues to give my opinion a little more perspective, since there are already too many ill-informed, childish or misleading pieces written by respected practitioners of the lifestyle. But since this is for You only and Your interests are more specific, I will try to be as personal as I can.


The eroticization of Power is a defining trait of the patriarchal society, and that stems from the differences between the human male and female reproductive strategies. That also points to the obvious fact that Female Domination does not equal matriarchalism, i.e. it is not a structural change in the traditional power relations among genders, biological or otherwise, but simply a swapping of the actors. So-called ‘deviant’ sexual practices have always existed – human sexuality is complex – but BDSM as we know it is mostly a Victorian invention. It evolves in a sexist, morally conservative, hierarchical society with a very wealthy and bored upper class (not unlike modern-day Brasil in that respect). That is perhaps why for the most part I scorn the BDSM community, with its sect-like childish liturgies, attention seekers and petty Ego fights. But I have deep respect and appreciation for the feminine and for Dominant women. Unlike other subs, I find no joy in the objectification of someone to fulfill my needs; I cannot commit myself to just any form of power exchange with just any Domme.


Once trust and intimacy have been established, power exchange is a relatively straightforward process. In the case of Total Power Exchange, that is Consensual Slavery, although it may happen in the context of a session, I believe You refer to the kind that is more commonly associated with 24/7 relationships. More than a fantasy, it is a shared myth, a common cognitive construction as much as it is a form of relationship. In order to work, in addition to mutual respect and appreciation, it must rely heavily on what Coleridge called ‘suspension of disbelief’, on the willingness of the sub, the knowledge of him the Domme possesses and her ability to use it. The burden lies a bit more on the Domme’s side, especially if there is a lot of micro-management involved, and the sub must acknowledge that and try and make the relationship as fulfilling and rewarding as possible for her. She must know him, but above all know herself. There is an enormous potential for self growth and enjoyment for both and the way and extent to which it is fulfilled will depend on both the Domme’s and the sub’s commitment.


I am writing from the perspective of someone who, often reluctantly, has wielded both formal and informal authority within various professional groups but has always favoured a more consensual, ‘soft’ approach. (...) I am not simply a practitioner nor do I feel special, or part of a secret society of kinks. I simply like You, and cherish the fact that by submitting to You we can experience a level of mutual understanding and intimacy it would be very difficult to reach otherwise. And our personal lives will be much richer for it.


Madeline Walton




I agree with your definitions and arguments. Very complete, not a word of fantasy or misunderstand and even your choice of words is exquisite. I think you have something for me and I am willing to see what it is.


See, asking a submissive about his conception on a topic is a strategy to see maturity of ideas. Most of your lot fantasise about some hot click in black leather who's going to boss them around and give them some hot love afterwards. The "boss around" content is part of their fantasy of a Dominant, but that woman is never completely portrayed as one. She is just a cool girl who does stuff they like that other girls usually don't - some slapping, some orders in bed, perhaps the possibility of letting them kiss her feet. Those ones don't want a Dominant. They want the perfect girlfriend: cute, a bit bossy in bed (but not enough to emasculate them, ha!), often bisexual (but straight enough to have them as her only permanent partner), and an outlet for their fantasies. Servitude? None whatsoever.


I despise those men, and it is an insult that they often come looking for sessions. It is infamous that they go for Dominants when all they have in mind is the selfish desire for satisfaction according to their own agenda.for those men, women, Dominants or not, are just an object - even though they are kneeling before them. It's all a bloody joke, a travesty, a mockery of women's position, a laughable use of FEMDOM for their own ridiculous self-satisfaction.


(With the author's knowledge)



















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